
Jeff and Kailey // Utah Wedding Photography

 It is one thing to photograph a wedding of a super fun couple...but It's a whole other story when the super fun couple are some of your best friends. Kailey was my college roommate and I was just ecstatic when she asked me to shoot her wedding! I knew it was going to be a riot, and as you scroll through these you will be able to tell exactly what I mean.
The first glimpse at Jeff's Ring. It is definitely unique I tell you what!
Thanks to my husband who I have trained to be a great back up shooter I was able to step in for a few of the friend pictures! I love these girls so much!

^^ Do you see that bad boy!? ^^
 His wedding has a Coyote on it. Now that is a legit wedding ring.

And I definitely couldn't have done this without Jessica Sweat...who is one of my best friends and fellow photographer! We both Co-Shot this wedding and it was so much fun! 
To see some of her work check out her blog!


  1. Aww these pictures are beautiful. You did a great job in capturing the moments in such a special day. Come by and check out my blog, if you like it I would love it if you followed me.

    xo Andrea

  2. Lovely wedding photography! Was not able to attend my best friend's wedding last month. Was amazed seeing the scenic beauty of wedding venues Los Angeles and the astonishing interior decorations. Bride and groom looked great. Their love for each other can be seen in the candid professional clicks.
