I was so fortunate to get to attend the Photo Native workshop back in February of this year. It was a two day workshop held in Utah County that was jam-packed with goodness. I was able to listen and learn from photographers who I have looked up to for years. Each class focused on different aspects of photography, but one of the overall concepts they all touched on, was find your WHY. Why and what are we trying to capture for our clients.
One of the coolest parts was getting to do a stylized shoot with Jessica Kettle. I have looked up to Jessica since my roommate and I both had decided to become Photography majors in college and we would spend hours sitting on our beds researching and gawking over wedding photography blogs. Jessica Kettle was one of our biggest inspirations and still is to this day, so when my old roommate/friend both got to attend this workshop together it was truly an unforgettable experience.
I'm not going to lie, having to move my business from Utah to California on top of becoming a mom has been pretty tough on me. I have been focusing more on just being a mom the last 7 months we have lived out here in California rather than growing my business. It has been a good change for me, but i'm ready to start photographing again. I miss it. I love having a creative outlet, and capturing love and moments of time for my clients. I love being able to see little snippets of people's life stories during our sessions, and hope to capture what truly matters to people - their connections and relationships. To capture people's lives as they are NOW. The little moments that are so special. That is my WHY.
workshop: Photo Native – @photonative
instructor/styling: Jessica Kettle – @jesskettle
florist/styling: La Fete Floral – @lafetefloral
backdrop/papergoods: Refine Studio – @refinestudio
sponsor: Alpine Film Lab – @alpinefilmlab
hair/makeup: Bellacosa Beauty – @bellacosabeauty
dresses: Avenia Bridal @aveniabridal (on Malery, blonde model)
The Perfect Dress – @theperfectdressbridal (on sydney, brunette model)
jewelry: Katie Waltman – @katiewaltman
cake: Tess Comrie – @tesscomrie
styling elements: Bohem – @bohemstore
white clay dishes: Miesh Styling – @mieshstyling
venue: The Studio Forty Six @thestudiofortysix